








Plaintiff, by the undersigned counsel, requires that the defendant, through its officers and agents, answer the following Interrogatories in writing, under oath and so otherwise directed by Rule 33 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The right to propound and serve additional Interrogatories is expressly reserved.




A.            Plaintiff requires that all responses or any portion thereof given upon information and belief should be clearly so indicated, together with a statement identifying the source of such information and/or furnishing the grounds for such belief.

B.            As used herein, "document" shall be synonymous with the term "record" or "records" appearing in the Freedom of Information Act, and refers to those documents sought to be disclosed in paragraph 18 of plaintiff's complaint, including raw data, research data, interview

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reports, books, records, correspondence, telegrams, interview notes, tabulations, compilations, charts, surveys, appraisals, work sheets, 6(b) and other reports, letters, correspondence, notes, pamphlets, leaflets, diaries, telegrams, desk calendars, appointment logs, memoranda of oral conferences, memoranda of conversations, memoranda of meetings, memoranda of telephone calls, Minutes and all transcriptions or reproductions by any means thereof, together with all drafts of any written document, and all other documentary material of any nature whether written, printed, typed, recorded, or other graphic matter, however produced or reproduced in defendant's possession, custody or control, from whatever source obtained and whether or not prepared by defendants. "Document" also includes all records showing the identities of organizations, consultants, scientific and technical personnel who conducted and collected or assembled data or participated in any manner in the preparation of studies, reports, surveys, appraisals or evaluations. "Document" shall refer to originals and all non-identical copies, except that copies which differ by reason of notations made thereon are not considered identical copies.

"Person" shall mean any Individual, partnership, corporation, trade association, government agency, or any other entity or any director, officer, employee or agent thereof.

C.            When asked to "identify" a natural person(s) or local entity, or governmental agency, or component of a governmental agency, set forth, unless otherwise requested or previously stated, the full name, residence and business affiliation, including business title and/or position, if any, of such natural person(s), or in the case of a legal entity, its


correct title, business address, the nature of its principal business and legal basis for its existence, or in the case of a governmental agency, the full name and business address of said agency, and if a component part of said agency is referred to, the name and business address of said part and the nature of its existence.

When asked to "identify" a document, set forth, unless otherwise requested, the title of the document, its particular nature and date, the identity of its author; the identity of its intended recipients, the identity and location of its present custodian, the file number or other identifying code, the security classification, retrieval data codes; number of copies made; and a description of how the document is stored and retrieved.

D.            When asked to "describe", set forth, in addition to the events, acts, occurrences and/or written communications, all oral communications, conferences, meetings or discussions, together with a description as to the date, place, identity (as required by "C" above) of persons present, a brief statement as to what was said or transpired and the identification as required by "C" above, of all documents containing information or prepared on the basis of such oral communications.

E.            When asked to "explain", set forth, in addition to its usual meaning, all reasons, purposes, causes, surrounding events and circumstances, prior to and subsequent to, as well as during, either the incident which is the subject matter of the question or the document being discussed.

F.             The term "UFO" as used In paragraph 18 of plaintiff's complaint as well as in the Interrogatories and Request for Documents,


shall include and be synonymous with the following terms: unidentified flying objects: unidentified flying entities; unidentified flying phenomena: unidentified flight activity: unidentified aerial objects: unidentified aerial entities: unidentified aerial phenomena: unidentified aerial activity: unidentified objects: unidentified entities: unknown flying objects: unknown flying entities: unknown entities: unknown flight activity: unknown aerial entities; unknown aerial objects: unknown aerial phenomena: unknown phenomena: unconventional flying objects: unconventional flying entities: unconventional flight activity: unconventional flying phenomena: unconventional aerial objects: unconventional aerial entities; unconventional entities; unconventional aerial phenomena: unconventional aerial activity; flying saucers, unexplained flying objects: unexplained flying entities; unexplained flight activity: unconventional objects: unexplained objects; unexplained entities; unexplained phenomena; unconventional phenomena; unexplained aerial objects; unexplained aerial phenomena or any other aerial activity which is unknown or appears out of the ordinary to the recorder.


Questions 1 thru 24 refer to a document dated 31 March, 1949, from H. L. Bowers to Dr. Machle, subject: Notes and Comments on "Unidentified Aerial Objects - Project Sign" , and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit A.

1.            Explain fully the CIA's involvement in the UFO phenomena in 1949.

2.            Identify H. L. Bowers.

3.            Identify Dr. Machle.

4.            Explain the purpose of this document.

5.            Explain the CIA's interest in "unidentified aerial objects" (Subject heading of document).

6.            Explain the CIA's interest in Project Sign.

7.            Describe the CIA's relationship with the United States Military Services with reference to UFOs in 1949.

8.            Identify the file in which this document was kept.

9.            Were there any documents pertaining to UFOs prior to the above document's date?

10.           If the answer to the above questions is yes, identify all such documents.

11.           Describe fully the CIA's initial involvement with UFOs.

12.           Describe the source of H. L. Bowers information and conclusions which are contained in the above described document?

13.           Did the CIA cooperate, assist, participate or in any way become involved in any analysis, evaluation, study of any of the reports and/or evidence received by Project Sign?

14.           If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully.

15.           Explain fully any and all CIA involvement, interest, contact, participation, consultation, and/or relationship with the following:

a.             Project Bluebook
b.             Project Grudge
c.             Project Ozma
d.             Project Bluebolt
e.             Project Saucer


16.           Explain what the number 7 represents at the bottom right corner of the document.

17.           Explain what the number 19 represents at the top right corner of the document.

18.           Identify Mr. Deyarmond.

19.           Describe fully the discussion with the above mentioned person as referred to in the second page of the above described document.

20.           In 1949, was it the CIA's position that all sightings of UFOs should be investigated?

21.           If the answer to the above question is yes, explain the reasons for this position.

22.           In 1978, is it the CIA's position that all UFO sightings should be investigated?

23.           If the answer to the above question is yes, explain all reasons for this position.

24.           If the answer to question 22 is no, explain all reasons for this position.


Questions 25 thru 44 refer to a document dated 29 July, 1952, from Ralph L. Clark, Acting Assistant Director, Scientific Intelligence to Deputy Director, Intelligence, Subject: Recent Sightings of Unexplained Objects: and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit B.


25.           Explain the purpose of this document.

26.           Identify the Deputy Director of Intelligence on 29 July 1952.

27.            Explain the source of the information contained in this document.

28.           Explain why the CIA was interested in "recent sightings of unexplained objects".

29.           Describe the CIA's involvement in the UFO phenomena in 1952.

30.           Describe all sightings referred to in the above mentioned document, stating the date, time, place, person(s) involved, and a description of the sighting.

31.           Explain how the CIA became aware of the above mentioned reports.


32.           Describe fully the nature and extent of the CIA's "continuing review of such reputed (sic) sightings during the past three years".

33.           Describe fully all reporting directives in effect at the time of this document.

34.           Identify the study group being formed.

35.           Explain why the study group was being formed.

36.           Explain why the CIA felt a review of unexplained objects was necessary.

37.           Explain what the number 7 represents at the top right corner of the above described document.

38.           Explain why the date 29 July 1952 is stamped rather than typewritten.

39.           Explain the reason for July 29, 1952, being typed at the bottom of the page.

40.           Explain the significance of the date 28 July 1952.

41.           Did the CIA maintain a file entitled "flying saucers" in 1952?

42.           If the answer to the above question is no, explain the significance of the "Flying Saucers" file indicated in the distribution part of this document.

43.           Identify all files that UFO documents were stored in 1952.

44.           If the answer to question number 41 is yes, identify all documents kept in this file.


Questions 45 thru 64 refer to a document dated l August 1952 from Edward Tauss. Acting Chief. Weapons & Equipment Division to the Deputy Assistant Director. Scientific Intelligence: Subject: Flying Saucers, and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit C.


45.           Explain why this document was requested by the Deputy Assistant Director. Scientific intelligence.

46.           Explain the purpose of this document.

47.           Did the CIA engage in an overall evaluation


of flying saucers?

48.           If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully.

49.           Has the CIA ever engaged in an overall evaluation of flying saucers?

50.           If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully.

51.           Explain the source of Edward Tauss' information contained in the document.

52.           What does the number 8 represent in the upper right corner of the document?

53.           What does the number 16 represent in the lower right corner of the document?

54.           Describe the nature and extent of the CIA's surveillance of "flying saucers" as referred to in the above document.

55.           In 1952, which authorities had primary operational concern for UFOs at Air Technical Intelligence Command.

56.           In 1952, did the CIA have information in its possession which it did not make known to the American People?

57.           If the answer to above question is yes, explain fully what this information was and reasons for this non-disclosure.

58.           In 1978, does the CIA have information in its possession which it has not made known to the American people?

59.           If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully what this information is and the reasons for this policy of secrecy.

60.           Describe in detail the reasons for the CIA's interest and concern in the UFO phenomena as referred to in the document.

61.           Describe in detail any present interest and concern on the part of the CIA in the UFO phenomena in 1978.

62.           Did the meeting referred to in the last paragraph of the above document take place?

63.           If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully.


64.           If the answer to question number 62 was yes, was a report prepared?

Questions 65 thru 142 refer to 26 pages of documents dated 14 August 1952, 15 August 1952, and 19 August 1952, all concerning the Office of Scientific Intelligence Study Group: Subject: Flying Saucers, and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit D.

65.           Explain the purpose and function of the OSI Study Group including what they were studying and the reasons for the study.

66.           Identify all the members of the group.

67.           Identify all the participants in the study.

68.           Explain what the above described documents represent.

69.           Identify the "we" referred to in the first page of the 19 August 1952 document.

70.           Identify the person who was "to go into the explanations of sightings".

71.           Identify the person who prepared the 19 August 1952 document.

72.           Explain what an "official report" of a UFO is as referred to in the document.

73.           Explain what was meant by "available intelligence" on UFOs in 1949.

74.           What does the number 9 represent at the upper right corner of the document dated August 1952?

75.           What does the number 20 represent at the bottom right corner of the document dated 19 August 1952?

76.           Has the CIA ever evaluated any Air Force Study on UFOs including its methodology and coverage of the phenomena?

77.           If the answer to the above question is yes, describe in detail.

78.           Describe fully the intelligence implications of UFOs in 1952.

79.           Describe fully the intelligence implications of UFOs in 1978.

80.           Describe the source of the following information


contained in the second page of the 19 August 1952 document: "Air Force, early in 1951, reopened its study, instituted a world-wide reporting system, and alerted its bases to intercept the unidentified objects".

81.           Explain when the CIA started to collect intelligence on UFOs.

82.           Describe what intelligence the CIA collected concerning UFOs.

83.           Referring to the above question, describe how this intelligence was collected.

84.           Referring to question 81, how is this intelligence stored?

85.           How is this intelligence retrieved?

86.           Identify the person(s) who prepared the document dated 14 August 1952.

87.           What does the number 10 represent at the top right corner of the document?

88.           What does the number 18 represent at the bottom right corner of the document?

89.           Describe the nature and extent of the wide interest within the Agency concerning UFOs referred to in the second page of the 14 August 1952 document.

90.           Describe the "Air Force Special Study Group" referred to in the second page of the 14 August 1952 document.

91.           Describe fully, giving names, dates, places and a brief synopsis of the incidents referred to on the sixth page of the 14 August 1952 document.

92.           Describe the source of the information referred to in the above question.

93.           Where is the negative referred to on page seven of the 14 August 1952 document?

94.           Referring to the above question, was this film ever analyzed?

95.           What does the number 11 represent at the top right corner of the 15 August 1952 document?

96.           What does the number 19 represent at the bottom right corner of the 15 August 1952 document?

97.           Identify the person(s) who prepared the 15 August 1952 document.

98.           Was it the position of the CIA in 1952 that outside knowledge of the Agency's interest in Flying Saucers should be avoided.


99.           If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail the reasons for this position.

100.          Is it the present position of the CIA that outside knowledge of the Agency's interest in UFOs should still be avoided?

101.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail the reasons for this position.

102.          If the answer to question 100 is no, explain in detail the reasons for the change in the Agency's position since 1952.

103.          Describe the source of the information contained in the 15 August 1952 document.

104.          Identify the three consultants referred to on page 9 of the 15 August 1952 document.

105.          Describe fully; giving names, dates, places, and a brief synopsis of the two sightings referred to on page 14 of the 15 August 1952 document.

106.          Referring to the above question, describe the source of the two sightings.

107.          In 1952, did the CIA believe that a fair proportion of our population was mentally conditioned to the acceptance of the incredible?

108.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail the reasons for the above belief.

109.          Referring to question number 107, does the CIA still believe this in 1978?

110.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail the present reasons for this belief.

111.          If the answer to question number 109 is no, explain in detail the reasons for the change in belief since 1952.

112.          In 1952, did the CIA believe that the UFO phenomena had National Security implications?

113.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully these implications.

114.          Describe fully all national security implications concerning UFOs from 1952 to 1978.


115.          In 1952, did the CIA believe that civilian UFO groups had the power to touch off mass hysteria and panic?

116.          If the answer to the above question is yes explain in detail the reasons for this belief.

117.          In 1978, does the CIA believe that civilian UFO groups have the power to touch off mass hysteria?

118.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail the reasons for the above belief.

119.          If the answer to question number 117 is no, explain in detail the reasons for the change in belief.

120.          Has the CIA ever been in contact with any civilian UFO groups or any of its members?

121.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail any such contact identifying the groups and persons involved.

122.          Describe the difference between an "official" unidentified sighting as compared to an "unofficial" unidentified sighting.

123.          In 1952, did the CIA believe that positive identification of UFOs was necessary?

124.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail the reasons for this belief.

125.          Does the CIA believe in 1978 that positive identification of UFOs is still necessary?

126.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail the reasons for this belief.

127.          If the answer to question number 125 is no, explain in detail the reasons for the change in the CIA's position regarding this belief.

128.          In 1952, describe how the CIA envisioned its role in the UFO problem.

129.          In 1978, describe how the CIA envisions its role in the UFO problem.

130.          Explain in detail any differences in the answers to questions number 128 and 129.

131.          When was the OSI Study Group formed?


132.          Referring to the above question, did the OSI Study Group have formal meetings?

133.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe all meetings, giving dates. times and places as well as identifying the persons who attended each meeting.

134.          Did it keep notes, records, minutes or any other written materials of the meetings?

135.          Identify the person(s) in charge of the OSI Study Group.

136.          Identify the person who authorized its formation.

137.          Did the OSI Study Group submit a final report?

138.          Identify the person(s) present at the 19 August 1952 presentation.

139.          To whom was the 19 August 1952 presentation made?

140.          When was it decided that the CIA should evaluate the 1952 Air Force study on Flying Saucers?

141.          Identify the person(s) and explain the reasons for the CIA evaluation of the 1952 Air Force Study on Flying Saucers.

142.          If the answer to question number 140 is 29 July, 1952, as indicated in the 14 August: 1952 document, explain the purpose of the 28 July 1952 date on the prior document.

Questions 143 thru 149 refer to a document dated 22 August 1952 from George G. Carey, Assistant Director for Operations to the Deputy Director (Intelligence) Subject: USSR and Satellite Mention of Flying Saucers and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit E.

143.          Explain the purpose of the document.

144.          Describe the search of the Foreign Documents Division files.

145.          Explain how the search was accomplished.

146.          Describe how UFO documents are filed and stored in the Foreign Documents Division.


147.          What does the letters FBID represent?

148.          What does the number 4 at the top right corner of the document represent?

149.          What does the number 22 at the bottom right corner of the document represent?

Questions 150 thru 176 refer to a five (5) page document updated but probably 11 September 1952, from H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director Scientific Intelligence to the Director of Central Intelligence, Subject: Flying Saucers and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit F.

150.          What was the purpose of this document?

151.          When was the document prepared?

152.          Identify the person(s) who prepared it.

153.          Explain the source of the information contained in the document.

154.          Explain the source of the recommendations referred to on the second page of the memorandum.

155.          Referring to the last question, were any of these recommendations implemented?

156.          If the answer is yes to the above question, explain fully.

157.          If the answer to question 155 is no, explain why not.

158.          In 1952, did the CIA believe that the UFO phenomena had the potential for touching off mass hysteria and panic?

159.          If the answer to the above question is yes, does this belief still exist today?

160.          If the answer to the above question is no, explain the CIA's change in opinion.

161.          If the answer to question 159 is no, what is the CIA's belief concerning the UFO phenomena in 1978?

162.          In 1952, was the potential for touching off mass hysteria and panic considered a valid national security implication?

163.          In l978, are there any national security implications concerning UFOs?


164.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully.

165.          What does the number 23 at the bottom right corner of the document represent?

166.          Why is there no number at the top right corner of the document?

167.          In 1952, did the CIA believe that the UFO problem was of such importance as to merit cognizance and action by the National Security Council?

168.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain the source of this belief.

169.          If the answer to question 167 is no, explain the statement contained in page 4 of the document.

170.          In 1978, does the CIA believe that the UFO problem is of such importance as to merit cognizance and action by the National Security Council?

171.          If the answer to the above question is no, explain what factors have led to the CIAs change in beliefs.

172.          If the answer to question 170 was yes, explain what actions the CIA has taken to bring this problem to the attention of the National Security Council.

173.          Were any of the recommendations contained in Page 4 and 5 of this document implemented?

174.          If the answer to the above question is yes, indicate which of the recommendations were implemented?

175.          If the answer to question 173 was yes, describe in detail the nature and extent of these implementations.

176.          If the answer to question 173 is no, explain in detail the reasons.

Questions 177 thru 195 refer to a four page document dated 24 September 1952 from H Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence to the Director of Central Intelligence, Subject: Flying Saucers, and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit G.

177.          Explain the purpose of this document.

178.          When was this document prepared?


179.          Identify the person(s) who prepared it.

180.          Was a copy of this document kept in the "Flying Saucer" file?

181.          Is this document similar to the 11 September 1952 document?

182.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain why this document was prepared.

183.          If the answer to question 181 is no, explain the differences between the two documents.

184.          Describe the present level of USSR knowledge concerning UFOs.

185.          Does the CIA have any evidence that the USSR has utilyzed this UFO phenomena to the detriment of the United States security interests?

186.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail this evidence.

187.          Does the CIA have any information that any foreign government has utilized the UFO phenomena to the detriment of the United States security interests?

188.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail this information.

189.          Has the CIA determined the reason for the silence and lack of interest in the Soviet press regarding Flying Saucers?

190.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail these reasons.

191.          In 1952, was the UFO problem ever brought to the attention of the National Security Council?

192.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe in detail any action taken by the National Security Council.

193.          If the answer to question 191 is no, explain in detail the reasons for not notifying the National Security Council.

194.          Has the UFO phenomena ever been brought to the attention of the National Security Council?

195.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully any action taken by the National Security Council giving dates.


Questions 196 thru 217 refer to a document dated 2 October 1952, from Assistant Director, Office of Scientific Intelligence to the Director of Central Intelligence, Subject: Flying Saucers, and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit H.

196.          What does "ER-3-2872" at the top right of the document represent?

197.          What do "ER-3-2808" and ER-3-2809" represent?

198.          What does the number 12 at the top right corner of the document represent?

199.          Explain the purpose of this document.

200.          Explain how this document differs from the documents dated 11 September 1952, and 24 September 1952.

201.          In 1952, did the CIA believe that the Air Force Study of UFOs was not adequate to correlate, evaluate and resolve the situation on an overall basis?

202.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail the reasons for this belief.

203.          In 1952, did the Director of the CIA advise the National Security Council of the implications of the flying saucer problem?

204.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully the results of this notification.

205.          If the answer to question 203 is no, explain why the Director disregarded the recommendations of the Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence.

206.          In 1952, was a draft memorandum to the National Security Council ever prepared?

207.          If the answer to the above is yes, describe all action taken in reference to this draft memorandum.

208.          Was any Director of the CIA or any employee of the CIA ever advised or addressed the National Security Council on UFOs?

209.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully.

210.          Has the subject of UFOs ever been discussed by the Psychological Strategy Board of the CIA?

211.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully all such discussions.

212.          Was a policy of public information concerning


UFOs ever developed by the CIA?

213.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe this policy in detail.

214.          If the answer to question 212 is yes. Was this policy ever put into effect or implemented to any extent?

215.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully this implementation.

216.          Has the CIA ever formulated and/or implemented a program of intelligence and/or research activities required to solve the problem of instant positive identification of UFOs?

217.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully all such intelligence activities, research activities or other activities referred to above.

Questions 218 thru 244 refer to a document dated 13 October 1952 from James Q Reber, Assistant Director Intelligence Coordination, to the Deputy Director (Intelligence) Subject: Flying Saucers, and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit I.

218.          Explain the purpose of this document.

219.          Explain the last sentence of the first paragraph.

220.          Identify the person(s) who requested this document.

221.          What does the number 5 at the top right corner of the document represent?

222.          What does the number 24 at the bottom right corner of this document represent?

223.          Describe what is meant by the "National Estimate on Flying Saucers" at page two of this document.

224.          Was the National Estimate on Flying Saucers ever submitted?

225.          Explain the significance of paragraph 5d of this document.

226.          In 1952, was the determination of the scientific capabilities of the USSR to create and control flying saucers as a weapon against the United States a primary concern of the CIA?

227.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail the reasons for this determination.


228.          Referring to question 226, is it a primary concern of the CIA in 1978?

229.          Referring to question 226, was it ever a primary concern of the CIA?

230.          Has the CIA ever conducted fundamental scientific research with respect to the. nature and causes of UFOs?

231.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe in detail any and all such research.

232.          Describe the function(s) and purpose(s) of the Intelligence Advisory Committee.

233.          Describe in detail the function(s) and purpose(s) of the "Watch Committee":

234.          Describe any and all indications which reflect Russian actions with respect to or on the basis of cognizance of flying saucers or with respect to the state of U. S. public opinion in respect to Flying Saucers.

235.          In 1952, were UFOs discussed or reviewed by the Intelligence Advisory Committee?

236.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe in detail or such discussions and review.

237.          Describe all concern on the part of the IAC with the UFO phenomena.

238.          Has the CIA ever determined through scientific research whether or not the UFO phenomena can be controlled by humans?

239.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe in detail the source of this determination.

240.          Were any documents ever sent from the CIA to the Secretary of Defense concerning UFOs?

241.          If the answer to the above question is yes, identify all such documents.

242.          Describe all scientific research projects undertaken by the CIA to reveal the nature of the various phenomena which are causing UFO sightings.

243.          Did the CIA in 1952 believe that UFOs were primarily the concern of the Department of Defense?

244.          Identify the agency that the CIA believes should be primarily concerned with UFOs in 1978.


Questions 245 thru 273 refer to a document dated 2 December 1952 from H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence to the Director of Central Intelligence, Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects, and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit J.

245.          Explain the purpose of this document.

246.          Did the Office of Scientific Intelligence brief the Director of Central Intelligence on UFOs on 20 August 1952?

247.          If the answer to the above question is yes, identify the person(s) present, describe what was discussed, and explain the reason(s) for the briefing.

248.          If the answer to question 246 is yes, did the Director of Central Intelligence authorize and/or direct the preparation of a National Security Council directive for submission to the Council?

249.          If the answer to the above question is yes, was this directive ever prepared?

250.          If the answer to question 248 is yes, identify when prepared and by whom.

251.          If the answer to question 248 is yes, did the Director feel that there was a need for investigation of the UFO problem?

252.          Explain the following initials: DD/I;  AD/SI;  AD/IC;  R & DB;  DI/USAF.

253.          In 1952, did the CIA believe that the UFO problem was largely a research and development concern?

254.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail the reasons for this belief.

255.          In 1978, does the CIA believe that the UFO problem is largely a research and development concern?

256.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail the reasons for this belief.

257.          If the answer to question 255 is no, explain in detail the reasons for this change in belief.

258.          Describe all "recent reports reaching CIA" as referred to in paragraph 4 of this document.

259.          Referring to the above question, describe how these reports reached the CIA.

260.          Referring to question 258, were there specific reporting directives in operation at the time?


261.          Explain in detail how the CIA collects information on UFOs in 1978.

262.          Describe fully all reporting directives in operation pertaining to UFOs in 1978.

263.          Identify all reporting directives in Operation pertaining to UFOs in 1952.

264.          Identify all persons who attended the meeting of 25 November 1952.

265.          Describe in detail all incidents discussed at the 25 November 1952 meeting including names, places, dates and a brief synopsis of all sightings.

266.          Referring to the above question, describe what was discussed between the Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence and the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence.

267.          Identify the source of the last sentence in paragraph 4 of the document.

268.          Identify the person whose idea it was for OSI to establish a consulting group.

269.          When was it decided that OSI should establish a consulting group?

270.          Explain why the CIA felt a review was necessary especially when "this matter" was reviewed by an OSI Study Group in August of 1952.

271.          Identify the responsible authorities in the community the CIA was trying to convince.

272.          Explain the meaning of "CERIS".

273.          Explain the meaning of the number "3-5093" at the top right corner of the document.

Questions 274 thru 285 refer to a document dated 10 December 1952 from H. Marshall Chadwell, Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence to the Director of Central Intelligence, Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects, and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit K.

274.Was the CIA Investigating UFOs in December, 1952?


275.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully the nature and extent of this investigation.

276.          Explain the purpose of this document.

277.          Describe the "request of the Director of 10 December 1952" referred to in the document.

278.          Describe the IAC action on 4 December 1952.

279.          Describe the relationship of Dr. H. P. Robertson and the OSI.

280.          Describe the reason(s) Dr. Robertson was selected to help OSI establish a panel.

281.          Identify the person(s) whose idea it was to establish this panel.

282.          Explain the purpose of this panel.

283.          Identify the person(s) who was to organize this panel and the methods used to select the participants.

284.          What does the number 13 represent at the top right corner of the document?

285.          What does the number 32 represent at the bottom right corner of the document?

Questions 286 thru 297 refer to a document dated 18 December 1952 from H. Marshall Chadwell, Assisant Director of Scientific Intelligence to the Director of Central Intelligence, Subject:Unidentified Flying Objects, and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit L.

286.          Explain the reasons for the preparation of this document.

287.          Identify the person(s) who prepared this document.

288.          Did the Director of Central Intelligence request an amplification of the 10 December 1952 document?

289.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain this request.

290.          Identify the person(s) who studied the case studies and progress reports obtained by the CIA on 12 December 1952 from the ATIC.


291.          Describe how these cases were studied and evaluated.

292.          Was the Robertson Panel originally only to be composed of three scientists?

293.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain why the actual panel was composed of six scientists.

294.          Explain paragraph 4 of the above document as well as supplying the missing information.

295.          What does the number 14 represent at the top right corner of the document?

296.          What does the number 34 represent at the bottom right corner of the document?

297.          Identify the initials: P & E/SI; W & E/SI.

Questions 298 thru 313 refer to a document dated 23 January 1953 from H. Marshall Chadwell to the Director of Central Intelligence, Subject: Unidentified Flying Objects, and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit M.

298.          Identify the person(s) who prepared this document.

299.          Explain the purpose(s) of this document.

300.          Was the report of the Advisory Panel submitted to the IAC?

301.          Was the report of the Advisory Panel considered by the IAC at any of its meetings?

302.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe in detail this consideration, giving specific dates.

303.          If the answer to question 301 is no, explain the reasons for this lack of interest.

304.          Describe in detail any action taken by the lAC with reference to the Advisory Panel's recommendations.

305.          Was the report of the Advisory Panel submitted to the Secretary of Defense?

306.          Was the report of the Advisory Panel submitted to the Federal Civil Defense Administration?

307.          Was the report of the Advisory Panel submitted to the National Security Resources Board?


308.          If the answer to either questions 305, 306 or 307 was yes, describe in detail all action taken by them.

309.          Describe Tab A of this document.

310.          Describe Tab B of this document.

311.          Describe Tab C of this document.

312.          Describe the differences, if any, between the above described tabs and those attached to the Robertson Panel Report.

313.          In 1978, how and where does the CIA file documents relating to UFOs?

Questions 314 and 397 refer to the Report of Meetings of Scientific Advisory Panel on Unidentified Flying Objects convened by Office of Scientific Intelligence, CIA, January 14 - 18, 1953 (hereinafter referred to as the Robertson Panel Report.

314.          Is the original Robertson Panel Report still in existence?

315.          What was the date the original report was prepared?

316.          Was the entire report prepared at the same time?

317.          Referring to the last question, if different parts were prepared at different times, specify the dates each part was prepared.

318.          Explain the purpose of the Robertson Panel Report?

319.          How many different sets of documents make up the report?

320.          Was the report composed of different documents already in existence?

321.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe these documents stating the dates originally prepared.

322.          If the answer to question 320 is yes, explain the purpose(s) of the original documents.

323.          Describe the type of typewriter used in the typing of the original report including the manufacturer and model number.


324.          Explain the purpose of the first page of the report.

325.          What does the date 16 February 1953 represent?

326.          Was this document originally a memorandum to the Assistant Director of Scientific Intelligence from F. C. Durant, Subject: Report of Meetings of the Office of Scientific Intelligence, Scientific Advisory Panel on UFOs, January 14 - 18, 1953?

327.          If the answer to the above question is yes, what was the date of this document?

328.          Were there any Tabs attached to this document when originally distributed?

329.          If the answer to the above question is yes, state the dates when the Tabs were originally prepared.

330.          If the answer to question 328 is no, when were the Tabs prepared?

331.          Describe what documents the Tabs were originally attached to.

332.          Explain why the Tabs were attached to this document.

333.          Was the Robertson Panel report ever retyped?

334.          If the answer to above question is yes, explain the reasons for the retyping.

335.          If the answer to question 333 is yes, how many times was the report retyped?

336.          If the answer to question 333 is yes, describe the typewriter used each time, including the manufacturer and model number.

337.          Explain why the comments and suggestions of the panel members were included in the unofficial supplement and not in the official Panel report (commonly known as Tab A).

338.          Was the index prepared the same time as the memorandum?

339.          If the answer to the above question is no, state when the index was prepared.

340.          If the answer to question 338 is no, state why the index was prepared.

341.          Explain why Tab A is listed in the index as the "Report of the Panel" and in the memorandum (page 2) as "List of Personnel concerned with meetings.

342.          Describe the "CIA interest in the subject" referred to at page 2 of the report.


343.          Describe how the members of the panel were selected.

344.          Describe the CIA's relationship to each of the panel members.

345.          Were minutes kept of each of the meetings?

346.          Explain why Dr. Robertson was chosen as chairman of the panel.

347.          Explain why Tab B is listed in the index as "Personnel Concerned with Meetings" and in the memorandum as "Evidence presented".

348.          Identify each of the persons attending each of the meetings.

349.          Explain why Tab C is referred to as the "list of documentary evidence presented" in the index and in the memorandum as "the Final Report".

350.          Explain why the top of page 7 indicates Part VI.

351.          Explain why certain copies of the report contain errors (Pages 7, 12 and Tab A).

352.          How many different typewritten versions of the report are there in existence?

353.          Explain how it was determined what evidence the panel would review.

354.          Explain whether the "debunking" aim referred to at page 19 and 20 of the report was ever acted upon.

355.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully.

356.          Explain what was specifically done to accomplish this "education" referred to at page 20.

357.          Referring to questions 354 and 356, were any psychiatrists consulted?

358.          If the answer to the above question is yes, identify all persons.

359.          Was Dr. Hadley Cantril of Princeton University ever consulted by the CIA?

360.          Has the CIA ever consulted anyone in the field of mass communication techniques?

361.          Did the CIA ever contact Arthur Godfrey?


362.          Did the CIA ever contact Walt Disney?

363.          If the answer to either questions 359, 360, 361, or 362 is yes, describe fully.

364.          Do the dangers related to "flying saucers" referred to at page 22 of the report still exist in 1978?

365.          Referring to the above question, have these dangers been greatly reduced?

366.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain the methods used to reduce these dangers.

367.          Did the CIA carry out any action as a result of the Panel recommendations?

368.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe in detail all action undertaken by the CIA.

369.          Did the CIA investigate any civilian UFO organizations?

370.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe in detail ail such investigation identifying the group.

371.          Did the CIA "watch" any civilian UFO groups?

372.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully all action involved identifying each group.

373.          Explain why the aim of'debunking" wasn't mentioned in the final report of the panel.

374.          Explain why Tab A is the final report when the memorandum refers to the final report as Tab C.

375.          Explain why Tab B is the evidence presented when the index and memorandum lists it as personnel concerned with meetings.

376.          List the seventy-five case histories of sightings 1951-52 referred to in Tab B.

377.          Identify the popular published works dealing with the subject referred to in Tab B, number 22.

378.          Explain what the CIA did with the evidence listed in Tab B.

379.          If the evidence listed in Tab B is not in the CIA's possession, identify the person(s) the evidence was returned to, giving dates, names and places.

380.          Explain why Tab C is the list of personnel and referred to in the index as documentary evidence presented and in the


memorandum as the final report.

381.          Did the CIA have any contact with any of the scientists listed in Tab C prior to the formation of the panel?

382.          Did the CIA have any contact with any of the scientists listed in Tab C subsequent to the formation of the panel?

383.          Explain why the Robertson Panel report was classified.

384.          When was the Robertson Panel report declassified?

385.          When was Tab A declassified?

386.          When was Tab B declassified?

387.          When was Tab C declassified?

388.          When was the memorandum declassified?

389.          Why were the Tabs declassified at different times?

390.          Was the initial declassification review of the report made on a copy that was missing the two Tabs?

391.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain where a complete report was located.

392.          What was the subject of the file in which a complete report was found?

393.          List the different subjects in which documents pertaining to UFOs were kept in 1952-1953.

394.          Explain why Tab B couldn't be declassified and only released in a sanitized version.

395.          Was the original Robertson Panel report ever declassified under the twelve year rule?

396.          If the answer to the above question is yes, was the report later reclassified?

397.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain the reasons for the reclassification.

Questions 398 thru 405 refer to a document dated 27 January 1953 from F. C. Oder, P & E Division to the Acting Chief, P & E Division, Scientific

Intelligence, Subject: Meetings of OSI Advisory Group and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit N

398.          Explain the purposes and objectives of the OSI Advisory Group as referred to in the above document.

399.          Explain the goal of the OSI Advisory Group.

400.          Did the IAC request the OCI to look into the Flying Saucer problem?

401.          If the answer to the above question is yes, how does the CIA explain the study group of August 1952?

402.          In 1952, did the Weapons Division of OSI have a considerable file on UFOs?

403.          If the answer to the above question is yes, where are these documents now?

404.          What does the number 16 represent at the top right corner of this document?

405.          What does the number 42 represent at the bottom right corner of this document?

Questions 406 thru 424 refer to the document dated 26 March 1976 and attached to the Complaint as Exhibit G

406.          Describe the source of the information contained in the second paragraph of the above described document.

407.          Describe how the National Security Council levied upon the CIA "the requirement to determine if the existence of UFOs would create a danger to the national security of the United States".

408.          Did the Office of Scientific Intelligence establish the Intelligence Advisory Committee to study the matter?

409.          Did the CIA engage in the study of the UFO phenomena prior to the formation of the Robertson Panel?

410.          Did the CIA engage in the study of the UFO phenomena subsequent to the formation of the Robertson Panel?

411.          Identify the person(s) to whom the materials listed In Tab B of the Robertson Panel report were returned to.

412.          When were the materials listed In Tab B returned?


413.          Are Agency records on UFOs kept in specialized files?

414.          If the answer to the above question is yes, identify the files.

415.          Does the listing of specific documents relating to UFOs exist?

416.          If the answer to the above question is yes, list all documents relating to UFOs.

417.          Referring to questions 413 and 415, if the answer to either of these questions is no, explain how and in what files records of UFOS are kept.

418.          Has the CIA involved itself in matters relating to UFOs since the issuance of the Robertson Panel Report?

419.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain in detail all involvement.

420.          Are UFO documents indexed or catalogued so as to permit immediate retrieval?

421.          If the answer to the above question is no, explain the reason for this.

422.          If the answer to question 420 is no, explain how UFO documents are catalogued.

423.          If the answer to question 420 is no, explain how UFO documents are indexed?

424.          If the answer to question 420 is no, explain how UFO documents are retrieved.

Questions 425 thru 448 refer to Ralph Mayher.

425.          When did the CIA first learn of Ralph Mayher (hereafter referred to as RM)?

426.          Explain how the CIA first learned of RM?

427.          Did a CIA agent/employee contact RM in 1957?

428.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully all contact.

429.          If the answer to question 427 is yes, identify the agent.

430.          If the answer to question 427 is yes, explain the reason(s) for the contact.

431.          Identify the person who directed the agent to contact RM.


432.          Identify the person the agent reported to.

433.          Was there an agent/employee of the CIA in 1957 by the name of "John Hazen" or with the last name of "Hazen"?

434.          Describe the CIA's interest/involvement in the UFO phenomena in 1957.

435.          Was the CIA investigating UFO reports/sightings in 1957?

436.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully the reasons for the CIAs investigation.

437.          Does the CIA have the film taken by RM?

438.          If the answer to the above question is no, did the CIA ever have the film taken by RM in their possession?

439.          In 1957, was the CIA collecting information of UFOS?

440.          In 1957, was the CIA storing information on UFOS?

441.          In 1957, was the CIA evaluating, analyzing, studying or testing information or evidence on UFOS?

442.          If the answer to either questions 439 or 440 is yes, explain fully all such information.

443.          Explain fully the CIA's position on UFOs in 1957.

444.          Did the CIA ever have in its possession photographs or frames of RM's film?

445.          Identify John Hazen including the department he was assigned to in 1957.

446.          Were any notes, memorandum, reports, etc., made of the meeting between RM and the CIA agent "John Hazen"?

447.          Was RM considered a "source"?

448.          Are notes, memorandum, reports, etc., usually made when an interview between a CIA agent and a "source" is finished?

Questions 449 thru 461 refer to a document dated 20 December 1947 and attached to the Complaint as Exhibit I.

449.          Identify the file(s) that this document was kept in.

450.          Explain how this document was retrieved.

451.          Explain why the Chief, Detroit Office, appears on a document pertaining to RM.

452.          Explain why the Chief, Contact Division, appears


on a document pertaining to RM.

453.          Explain the source of the information contained in the second paragraph of the above described document.

454.          Is the "source" referred to in said document RM?

455.          Explain the purpose of said document.

456.          Did RM write a letter to the Director of Central Intelligence?

457.          If the answer to the above question is yes, is the letter one of the documents being withheld?

458.          Identify the person(s) who requested the said document.

459.          Identify the manufacturer and model number of the typewriter used to type said document.

460.          Explain what the CIA did with all correspondence it received pertaining to UFOS.

461.          Explain what the CIA does with letters it received pertaining to UFOS.

Questions 462 thru 478 refer to a document dated April 1, 1958, and attached to the Complaint as Exhibit H.

462.          What was the date this document was prepared?

463.          Explain why the date is typed by a different typewriter than the one used to type the body of the document.

464.          Identify the assistant director for Scientific Intelligence on April 1, 1958.

465.          Identify the file(s) that this document was kept in.

466.          Identify all files that documents with the subject heading "unidentified flying objects" were stored in.

467.          Explain how this document was retrieved.

468.          Explain the purpose of this document.

469.          Identify the person(s) who prepared this document.

470.          Explain why the Assistant Director for Scientific Intelligence was Interested in UFOS.

471.          Identify the "contact division".


472.          Describe fully all contact between the "contact division" and any person involved in the UFO phenomena as witness, investigator, etc.

473.          Explain why the word "relationship" is underlined in the afore-described document.

474.          Explain what a "source" of contact division is.

475.          Explain what each source is told by the contact division about their relationship with the Agency.

476.          Explain why the relationship between the "source" and the Agency is confidential in nature.

477.          Explain why the word "information" is underlined.

478.          Explain why the word "is" is underlined in the afore-described document.

Questions 479 thru 576 refer to a document dated 19 September 1973 from John M. Maury, Legislative Council, CIA, to Larry Bryant and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit O.

479.          Did the CIA ever contact Richard Hall (hereinafter referred to as RH)?

480.          How many times did the CIA contact RH?

481.          Referring to the above question, explain the circumstance of each CIA contact.

482.          If the answer to question 479 is yes, identify the person who contacted RH on behalf of the Agency.

483.          Did an agent/employee of the CIA by the name of "Coleman" ever contact RH?

484.          If the answer to the above question is yes, identify agent Coleman including his assignment, the department he was assigned to and the name of his immediate superior.

485.          Was there an employee of the CIA by the name of Coleman in 1965?

486.          If the answer to the above question Is yes, what department was he assigned to?

487.          Explain how and when the CIA first became aware of RH?

488.          Explain how and when the CIA first became aware of NICAP.

489.          Describe the CIA's involvement In the UFO


phenomena in 1965.

490.          Explain the purpose for the CIA contacting RH.

491.          Identify the person who authorized the meeting with RH.

492.          Identify the person who the agent reported to after meeting with RH.

493.          Was the CIA collecting information on UFOs in 1965?

494.          Was the CIA either evaluating, analyzing, studying or testing data on UFOs in 1965?

495.          If the answer to either questions 493 or 494 is yes, explain fully all data involved.

496.          Describe fully the CIAs position on UFOs in 1965.

497.          Was the CIA receiving letters concerning UFOs in 1965?

498.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully what the CIA did with the letters.

499.          Were any memoranda, notes, minutes, reports, etc, made of the meetings between the CIA and RH?

500.          If the answer to the above question is yes, where are these documents now?

501.          If the answer to question 499 is no, is this the normal procedure whenever a meeting takes place?

502.          Was RH considered a "source".

503.          Did the CIA's interest in NICAP and/or RH have anything to do with the document "the UFO Evidence"?

504.          Did the CIA agent named Coleman borrow any of the files belonging to NICAP?

505.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain the purpose for this.

506.          If the answer to question 504 was yes, identify the files.

507.          If the answer to question 504 was yes, how long did the CIA borrow the files for?

508.          If the answer to question 504 was yes, did the CIA return the files?


509.          If the answer to question 504 is yes, did the CIA make copies of the files?

510.          If the answer to the above question is yes, where were these copies kept and how were these files stored?

511.          Identify all persons who saw these files.

512.          If the answer to question 504 is yes, were these files investigations of sightings of UFOs?

513.          Explain the significance of P.O. Box #3680, Washington, D. C. 20007.

514.          Referring to the above question, did the CIA receive mail at this box number in January and/or February 1965?

515.          Explain the source for the statement "no excepts were made from the publication" contained in the aforedescribed document.

516.          Explain the source of the statement "nor did the agency come to any conclusions on the substance therein" contained in the aforedescribed document.

Questions 517 thru 526 pertain to documents stored in the Foreign Documents and Radio Broadcasts Division and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit P.

517.          In 1954, did the CIA collect information on foreign UFO reports?

518.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain the reasons this information was collected.

519.          If the answer to question 517 Is yes, explain fully how this information was collected, stored and retrieved.

520.          If the answer to question 517 is yes, was any of the information ever evaluated, analyzed, tested or studied?

521.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully all such evaluations, analysis, tests and/or studies.

522.          If the answer to question 517 is yes, during what other years did the CIA collect this information?

523.          If the answer to question 517 is yes, identify all such documents.

524.          If the answer to question 517 is yes, does the CIA still collect and store this type of information?

525.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe how this information is stored, collected and/or retrieved.


526.          If the answer to question 524 is yes, explain what is the purpose of collecting this information.

Questions 527 thru 533 refer to a document dated 20 December l957 from Phillip C. Strong, Deputy Assistant Director to the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, to Department of Air Force, Subject: Declassification of the Robertson Panel Report, and attached to the Interrogatories as Exhibit Q

527.          Explain why it was decided that no connection with the CIA should be disclosed.

528.          Explain why the conclusion of paragraph 3 was not declassified.

529.          Explain why the recommendation of paragraph 4b was not declassified.

530.          Identify where this document was stored.

531.          Describe fully in what files this document was kept.

532.          Describe fully how this document was retrieved.

533.          Is it the practice of the CIA to rewrite documents that are already in existence in order to give a misleading or false impression to people?

Questions 534 thru 542 pertain to the Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects (Condon Committee)

534.          Describe any involvement by the CIA in the creation, formation, operation and/or recommendations of the Condon Committee.

535.          Describe the CIA's position with respect to the formation of the Condon Committee.

536.          Was the CIA consulted before the formation of the Condon Committee?

537.          Did the CIA have any type of relationship with any of the committee members?

538.          If the answer to the above question Is yes, describe fully identifying all parties involved.


539.          Was any CIA employee associated in any way with any person associated with the Condon Committee?

540.          If the answer to the above question Is yes, describe fully, identifying all persons involved.

541.          Was Arnold B. White a CIA employee at anytime?

542.          If the answer to the above question Is yes, was he a research assistant to a Condon Committee member while employed by the CIA?

Miscellaneous Questions

543.          What do the letters "OPS" Center represent?

544.          Does the OPS Center receive reports of UFOs?

545.          If the answer to the above question is yes, does the OPS Center receive reports of UFOs over SAC bases?

546.          If the answer to the above question is yes, identify all such UFO reports.

547.          Does the CIA have a reporting system where it is alerted to unidentified flight activity over military bases?

548.          If the answer to either questions 544 or 547 is yes, describe fully how these reports are collected, stored, filed and retrieved.

549.          Has the CIA received any reports of UFOs over military bases?

550.          If the answer to the above question is yes, list all such reports.

551.          Has the CIA ever received any reports of unidentified flight activity over military bases?

552.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully all such reports.

553.          Was the CIA's OPS Center notified on 11 October 1975 of unidentified flight activity over two SAC bases by the AF/INZ Duty Officer?

554.          If the answer to the above question is yes, did the CIA request to be kept informed of future developments?

555.          If the answer to question 553 is yes, did the CIA prepare any documents pertaining to this information?

556.          Was the CIA notified of unidentified flight activity at the Minot AFB on 10 November 1975?


557.          Was the CIA notified of unidentified flight activity at CFS Falconridge on 11 November 1975?

558.          Was the CIA notified of unidentified flight activity at Loring AFB, Maine, on or about 27-29 October 1975?

559.          Was the CIA notified of unidentified flight activity at Wurtsmith AFB on 3O-31 October 1975?

560.          Was the CIA notified of unidentified flight activity at Malmstrom AFB on 18 February 1975 and/or 7 November 1975?

561.          Was the CIA notified of unidentified flight activity at Canadian Forces Radar Site at Falconbridge on 11 November 1975?

562.          Was the CIA notified of unidentified flight activity at March AFB on 22 March 1977?

563.          If the answer to either question 556 thru 562 was yes, identify all reports and explain fully.

564.          If the answer to either question 556 thru 562 was yes, has the CIA evaluated, analyzed or studied any of these reports?

565.          If the answer to either question 556 thru 562 was yes, explain how these reports are collected, stored, filed and retrieved.

566.          Does the CIA receive any reports from the Air Force, NORAD, Navy or other agency of unidentified or unusual air activity?

567.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully.

568.          Does the CIA routinely receive notification of unidentified air activity and/or UFOs over military bases and/or government property and/or defense installations and/or atomic energy plants?

569.          If the answer to the above question is yes, identify all such reports, notifications or sightings describing each fully.

570.          Does the CIA receive reports of unidentified overflights over SAC installations?

571.          If the answer to the above question is yes, identify all such reports stating how received, stored, filed and retrieved.

572.          Describe all destruction schedules the CIA follows.

573.          Was the CIA notified of a UFO sighting incident in Iran on 19 September 1976?

574.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain fully.


575.          If the answer to question 573 is yes, explain why the CIA was notified of this incident.

576.          Does the CIA receive notification of foreign UFO sighting incidents?

577.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe how these reports/sightings/incidents are collected, stored, filed and retrieved.

578.          Does the CIA have specific reporting directives in effect concerning foreign UFO Sightings/incidents/reports?

579.          If the answer to the above question is yes, explain all such directives fully.

580.          In reference to question 574, how was this report received, stored, filed and retrieved?

581.          In reference to question 574, did the CIA take any further action in reference to this report?

582.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe all such action fully.

583.          Did the CIA at anytime have any responsibility in the matter of Unidentified Flying Objects?

584.          If the answer to the above question is yes, deseribe fully.

585.          Which governmental agency has primary responsibility in the matter of UFOs today?

586.          Has the CIA ever received briefings from the Air Force or any of its components, such as ATIC, concerning UFOs?

587.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe each briefing.

588.          Did the CIA's Photo Interpretation Center ever receive any films, photographs, slides and/or negatives concerning UFOS?

589.          If the answer to the above question is yes, identify all such items received.

590.          Has the CIA ever received any UFO reports from the National Security Agency?

591.          If the answer to the above question is yes, identify each report.

592.          Describe the intelligence value of UFO Information in 1978.


593.          Has the CIA ever contacted a government of a foreign country with reference to UFOs?

594.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe full each such contact.

595.          Does the CIA have any information on what is commonly referred to as "Men in Black (M.I.B.s)?

596.          Does the CIA receive information pertaining to UFOs from any of the following agencies: Air Force; Navy; Coast Guard; Norad; Joint Chiefs of Staff: National Security Agency; Federal Bureau of Investigation; NASA; Defense Intelligence Agency?

597.          If the answer to the above question is yes, identify which agency and describe the type of reports received, the reasons these reports are received and how these reports are received, collected, stored and retrieved.

598.          Describe any and all pre-arrangements by other governmental agencies and the CIA to receive UFO reports.

599.          Has the CIA ever hired any private organization, university, individual, or other group to do a study pertaining to any area of the UFO phenomena?

600.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe each study.

601.          Are there presently national security implications in the problem of UFOs?

602.          Is adequate study and research currently being directed to this problem?

603.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe all such study and research now being conducted.

604.          What further investigation and research should be instituted, by whom and under what authority?

605.          Which agency has the primary responsibility for the fundamental scientific research for UFOs?

606.          Does the CIA still believe that the American people are mentally conditioned to the acceptance of the incredible?

607.          Does the CIA still believe that the UFO phenomena has the potential for the touching off of mass hysteria and panic?

608.          Does the US Air Warning System still depend on a combination visual observation and radar sightings?

609.          Was Air Force Regulation 200-2 issued by the Secretary of the Air Force on 26 August 1953 as a result of the recommendations contained in the Robertson Panel Report.


610.          In 1978, do UFOs present any direct threat to the National Security of the US?

611.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully.

612.          In 1978, do UFOs pose an indirect threat to the National Security of the US?

613.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully.

614.          Is all US Intelligence information available to the CIA?

615.          Is anything touching a threat to the national security automatically brought to the attention of the CIA?

616.          Has the CIA acquired any knowledge concerning the advanced propulsion system/methods of UFOs?

617.          Are actions such as those UFOs demonstrate potentially those of an enemy?

618.          Does the CIA receive reports of UFOs from diplomatic sources abroad?

619.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully.

620.          Describe fully all psychological implications of UFOs.

621.          Has the CIA ever participated or assisted in any descriptive and/or analytical study of what is commonly known as UFOs?

622.          Has the CIA ever participated or assisted any other governmental agency in the testing of any physical evidence pertaining to UFOs?

623.          Has the CIA been involved in any technical analysis of UFO reports to determine the aerodynamic propulsion or control features of UFOs?

624.          If the answer to the above question Is yes, explain fully.

625.          Were any of the reports the Air Force received pursuant to AFR 80-17 forwarded to the CIA?

626.          If the answer to the above question is yes, was there a specific reporting directive in effect at that time?

627.          Does the CIA receive any reports pursuant to JANAP l46 E?


628.          If the answer to the above question is yes, is there a specific reporting directive in effect?

629.          Does the CIA receive reports of Vital Intelligence sightings?

630.          If the answer to the above question Is yes, explain all such reports.

631.          If the answer to either questions 630 is yes, identify all such reports, indicating how received, stored, collected, filed and retrieved.

632.          Has the CIA knowledge of unknown objects orbiting this planet?

633.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully.

634.          Does the United States have contingency plans for emergency defense if UFOs prove aggressive?

635.          If the answer to the above question is yes, describe fully.

           PETER A. GERSTEN
           Attorney for Plaintiff
           191 East 161st Street
           Bronx, New York   10451



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