SUBJECT: Publicity on Flying Saucer Incidents
The U.S. Air Force collects and evaluates all information on "'flying
saucers." A special project has been in progress since early 1948
wherein a detailed, technical analysis on all data is being made to
ascertain origin and identification of "flying saucers." Meanwhile
the Directorate of Intelligence has completed a preliminary analysis
of "flying saucer" incidents to establish possible explanations.
At the present time evaluation of these reports has progressed only
to the extent that we must accept that some type of flying objects
have been observed, although their identification and origin are not
discernible. We, therefore, conclude that insufficient data is
available to date to warrant any action except continuing attempts
to determine the nature and origin of these objects.
There has been increasing pressure from the U.S. Press to publicise
"flying saucer" reports. Despite our efforts to discourage such
publicity the editors of the Saturday Evening Post have directed
a member of their staff to write an article on "flying saucer" inci-
dents. It appears that articles of this nature would be less harmful
to national interests if the Department of the Air Force were author-
ised to assist the Press in the preparation of such articles as they
insist upon writing.
It is recommended that the Department of the Air Force be authorised
to assist the Press, upon request, in preparing such articles as they
insist upon writing. It is also recommended that inquiring agencies
be informed that the Air Force is investigating carefully all valid
reports of flying objects.