U.S. Government
Still Recording
Reports of UFOs
The Defense Dept., has revealed that it is still recording reports of UFOs – even though the U.S. government’s official probe of UFOs ended eight years ago.
Thomas B. Ross, assistant secretary of defense for public affairs, told The ENQUIRER that the Defense Dept, has never ceased reporting UFOs that affect military installations.
“I don’t know how many such reports have been made or with what frequency, but clearly there are reports,” Ross declared.
However, Ross said, “there is no central office” that collects or studies UFO reports.
“They are to be reported to the national military command center, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to the various pertinent commands, and they’re treated there as any message would be treated,” he said.
The Air Force ended the government’s official investigation into UFOs in 1969, when it concluded that continuing the extensive study of UFOs was not justified.
Asked if this remained current Pentagon policy on UFOs, Ross replied: “Nothing has come forward in the intervening years that would lead us to reassess our position. So our position is essentially the same.”
And an Air Force spokesman said: “No evidence has been presented to indicate that further investigation of UFOs by the Air Force is warranted. There is no likelihood of renewed Air Force involvement in this area.”.