SUBJECT: Request for Operation and Radar Equipment
at White Sands Proving Ground for AAF Training
TO: Commanding General
Army Air Forces
ATTENTION: Mr. Vincent S. Roddy, AC/AS-4
1. Attention is invited to the inclosed letter from the Commanding
Officer, White Sands Proving Ground dated 12 June 1947, File O.O.
413.4/435, with inclosure from Headquarters, Eighth Air Force, Fort Worth,
Texas dated 3 June 1947.
2. The radar equipment
at White Sands Proving Ground is manned by
civilian personnel from the Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories of the
Chief Signal Officer. As pointed out in the inclosed letter from White
Sands Proving Ground, this equipment is under-going continual modification
and testing when not in use for actual tracking of missiles.
3. Because of the interference it would cause to the already over-taxed demands on the radar equipment and civilian radar personnel, and in view of the objections raised by the Commanding Officer, White
Sands Proving Ground this office does not concur in participation in a
coordinated counter-measures training program for the Eighth Air Force.
4. This office has no objections to the conduct of radar counter- measure training in this area by the Eighth Air Force
with AAF radar equipment at the Alamogordo Air Base, provided that it is conducted
on non-missile firing days. A tentative schedule of White Sands Proving
Ground firings is attached. Coordination between the Commanding Officer,
White Sands Proving Ground and Commanding Officer, Alamogordo Air Base
could be set up to take care of changes in the firing schedule.
J. G. Bain, [illegible] Ord Dept
for: H. N. TOFTOY
Col, Ord Dept
2 Incls:
1. Ltr, F'ile O.O 413.4/435
w/1 incl
2. Firing Schedule