Waterloo (Iowa) SUNDAY TIMES 18 August 1946, Section II, page 1

STREET SCENE by Al Starr      

Perhaps the Swedes aren't the only ones bothered by flying missiles, believed bombs, at least if reports of several Waterloo residents are reliable. Thursday night, an object was seen buzzing rapidly around the trees in an east side neighborhood, gradually ascending all the while, giving off (or surrounded by) a cloud of white radiant vapor and eventually disappearing high in the sky. ONE PERSON TERMED THE OBJECT A GREAT WHITE BIRD, ANOTHER, A BOMB. [emphasis in the original story.]

The Waterloo (Iowa) DAILY COURIER for Monday, 7 July 1947, page 2.


[The COURIER repeats the story above.]

"Mrs. Russell Lampman, 317 West 14th street, Monday recalled it was her husband who first spotted the Thing, 'which gave you a kind of funny feeling, like something was going to happen.' She said it made no sound.

It was about six feet three inches tall, like a large man, and rather rectangular in shape. The object hovered over an alley near her home, Mrs. Lampman said.

"'If I'd been a religious woman, I'd have thought it was a vision,' she recalled.

"The object came from the northwest and settled 20 or 25 feet above the ground, Mrs. Lampman said.

"Lampman, employee of the John Deere Tractor Company, saw it first and called his wife and neighbors. 'We watched it for about an hour,' Mr. Lampman said. 'But you know when you're standing that way, looking at something, you're not sure exactly how long a time it is.

"'It glowed with a kind of yellowish light. It wasn't dazzling, but it was bright, like something supernatural. It seemed to be a sign.

"'Later, it started upward, not directly, but diagonally, and going toward the east.

"'It bobbed back and forth and up and down, like a switchman with a lantern. We watched it until it went out of sight.'"

Ghost Rocket Reports
1946 Documents
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