25 July 1951
Prepared by |
1st Lieutenant, USAF |
Submitted by |

Major, USAF |
25 July 1951
This document contains information affecting the national defense of the
United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws
Title 18 U.S.C.
Sections 793 and 794. Its transmission or the
revelation of its contents
in any manner to an unauthorized person
is prohibited by law.
Due to the large number of observations of unexplained aerial
phenomena in the vicinity of Holloman Air Force Base by reliable
individuals, the Commanding Officer, Holloman Air Force Base,
deemed it advisable to establish a scientific system of observation.
The intent of such a program was to endeavor to gather sufficient
factual data for presentation to Headquarters, United States Air
Force, in order to obtain support in terms of funds, manpower and
equipment for determination of the validity of this phenomena.
The following personnel were present at most all conferences held
locally at Holloman Air Force Base on this project: Colonel
Baynes, Colonel Collett, Colonel Norton, Major Haynor, Captain
McGovern, Captain Feagin and Lieutenant Albert.
2. FACTUAL DATA (Chronologically)
a. Initially. 21 February 1950, an observation outlook post was
established in the Instrumentation Branch Tower at this base,
manned by S/Sgt Grough, S/Sgt Chandler and S/Sgt May of the Provost
Marshall's Office with theodolite, telescope and camera, during the
hours between sunset and sunrise. These observers also had
telephone communication with M/Sgt Brooks and M/Sgt Holms of Base
Photographic Branch in order to get maximum photo coverage if
phenomena appeared and persisted. The Photographic Branch also
supplied Air Police personnel at Datil and Vaughn, New Mexico, with
cameras. One of the best pictures of phenomena (Incl "A”) was taken
from Datil, New Mexico, at 1930 hours 24 February 1950.
b. By 27 February 1950, coordination had been effected with CWO
Reinhart for weather theodolite triangulation from stations at this
base and from Army-3 (White Sands Proving Ground, Las Cruces, New
Mexico), also radar tracking at this base an a stand-by basis. This
plan worked in close liaison with the observation tower mentioned
in Paragraph 2a.
c. Because of the abnormal number of reports from the vicinity of
Vaughn, New Mexico, a trip to Vaughn was made on 2 March 1950, in
order to verify reports and observe sites for possible
instrumentation installations. The following people went along:
Colonel Baynes, Major Watras, Major Haynor, Lt. Albert, M/Sgt
Holmes, Mr. Proctor, Mr. Knott and Mr. Cottler.
Approximately eight people from Vaughn were interviewed.
A correlation was determined between visual reports and radio disturbance.
The following day it was decided to concentrate all efforts at Vaughn and discontinue all activities at Holloman Air Force Base proper.
d. It was believed that possibly a three-point program could
be established at Vaughn on a continuous basis, as follows:
(1) Askania instrument triangulation by Land-Air, Inc.
(2) A spectrum grating on a Mitchell camera operated by
Base Photo personnel.
(3) Frequency spectrum analysis equipment furnished by Signal
Corps Engineering Laboratory (Field Station No. 1).
e. It was learned through Major Maas, Holloman Air Force Base,
that Cambridge Research Laboratories had been assigned a project of
investigation of light phenomena by Headquarters, United States Air
Force, and was negotiating with Dr. LaPaz, Department
of Meteorics (sic)), University of New Mexico. The Commanding Officer,
Holloman Air Force Base, directed Lt. Albert to proceed to
Headquarters, AMC, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio,
and confer with Major Kodis of Electronics Sub-Division regarding
the status of this project and what Holloman Air Force Base could
do to assist.
f. On 9 March 1950, a conference was held at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base, with the following personnel: Major Oder, Air
Force Cambridge Research Laboratories, Major Kodis, Electronics
Sub-Division; Lt. Albert and Messrs, Gallagar and Coons. It was
learned at this conference that funds had been allocated for this
project, and it was agreed that this base could furnish the most
suitable plan. Action was initiated to put the three point program,
mentioned in paragraph 2d, into action at Vaughn, New Mexico.
Coordination was accomplished with Major Curtis of Research and
Development at Headquarters, AMC.
g. On 11 March 1950 at 0100 hours, Major Haynor observed and
photographed phenomena (Incl "B" at Holloman Air Force Base. On
24 March 1950, Headquarters, AMC, notified the Commanding Officer,
Holloman Air Force Base, that the Land-Air. Inc., contract would be
increased by $20,000.00 to maintain constant watch at two Askania
stations in the vicinity of Vaughn for a six months period.
Technical Directive No. 55 was sent to Holloman Air Force Base for
this project and points 1 and 2 of paragraph 4 were put into effect
on 1 April 1950.
h. Dr. A. O. Mirarchi of Air Force Cambridge Research
Laboratories, Project Scientist, arrived at Holloman Air Force Base
on 29 March 1950, and with Lt. Albert conferred separately with
Colonel Baynes, Commanding Officer, Holloman Air Force Base;
Captain Gabel, Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories; Captain
McGovern, Holloman Air Force Base; Messers. Kott and Proctor,
Land-Air, Inc. The following day Dr. Mirarchi, Major Haynor and Lt.
Albert went to Vaughn to inspect that installation and accurately
check on the photo spectrum grating. On 29 April 1950, a conference
was held at this base with Dr. O’Day, Major Oder, Major Kodis and
Lt. Albert. It was learned that seven additional photo personnel
were being sent to this station and that every effort was being
made to procure frequency spectrum analysis equipment from the
Signal Corps at Ft. Monmounth, New Jersey, as such equipment is not
available locally.
i. On 27 April 1950. Mr. Charles Riggs of Land-Air, Inc., took
several frames with askania theodolite of a phenomena while
preparing for a scheduled missile. Data reduction Unit at Holloman
Air Force Base made a report approximating results as closely as
possible with pictures from one station. However, without two
askania stations, results were mostly estimation and of little
actual value.
j. On 24 May 1950, Land-Air, Inc., personnel, while engaged in
regular duties on the range, sighted several objects (8-10) of
aerial phenomena. Two askanias took pictures endeavoring to effect
a triangulation. The film was rapidly processed and turned over to
the Data Reduction Unit. It was determined after reduction, however,
that sightings were made on different objects; therefore,
triangulation could not be effected and no information was gained.
k. The film and reports of the sightings of 27 April and 24 May
1950, were sent to Dr. A. O. Mirarchi, Project Scientist, Air Force
Cambridge Research Laboratory.
l. During June of 1950, coordination was effected with
Land-Air, Inc. personnel, and Operational Procedure No. 73,
(Inclosure D), was set up by Land-Air for their instrumentation
facilities. By means of this plan, Land-Air personnel were
constantly alerted for aerial phenomena during their regular duties
on the range.
m. Activity continued at Vaughn, New Mexico, as directed by Test
Directive No. 55, including points 1 and 2 of paragraph d, until 14
July 1950. When it became necessary to discontinue point 2, because
of the excessive transferral of base photo personnel, point 1 was
continued at Vaughn for the duration of Test Directive No. 55 and
ceased upon completion date, 30 September 1950.
n. Results of the six months period of survellience [sic] at Vaughn,
New Mexico, were virtually negative.
o. On 30 August 1950, during a Bell Aircraft Corporation missile
launch, aerial phenomena were observed over the base by several
individuals; however, neither Land-Air nor Project personnel were
notified, therefore, no instrumentation was made. On 31 August 1950,
the phenomena were again observed between 1000 hours and 1300 hours,
after a V-2 missile launch. A great deal of askania film was
expended on the phenomena. The film was rapidly processed and data
reduction analyzed the information. In spite of the fact that a
tape recording of the entire operation was made and time marks were
on the film, it was impossible to effect any triangulation because
the phenomena appeared sporadically for three hours. Enlargements
of 35mm askania film P-5 are enclosed (Incl. C ). These pictures
are in sequence, frame rate is one per second.
p. On 8 September 1950, Mr. Radcon of Air Force Cambridge Research
Laboratories visited Holloman Air Force Base and discussed recent
activity, paragraph o, with Lt. Albert. He was given a duplicate
print of askania film from P-5 taken on 31 August 1951 for
transmittal to Dr. A. O. Mirarchi, Project Scientist at Air Force
Cambridge Research Laboratories.
q. On 11 September 1950, Lt. Colonel D. L. Boone and Lt J. G.
Albert, both of Holloman Air Force Base, visited the 93rd
Interceptor Fighter Squadron at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico,
and had a conference with Major Gaver, Squadron Commanding Officer,
Captain Porter, Squadron Adjutant; and Captain Wilson, Operations
Officer. The appearance of aerial phenomena simultaneously with
high altitude missile missions at Holloman Air Force Base was
discussed, together with the value of F-86 aircraft in the air at
that time to visually observe phenomena and possibly take pictures.
It was agreed that F-86 aircraft would be made available when a
call came from Holloman Air Force Base, either prior to a missile
launch or whenever aerial phenomena appeared. This service was used
several times, but results were negative. The 93rd Fighter Squadron
continually asked if they were authorized to shoot at the phenomena
if the opportunity arose, but a satisfactory answer was never
r. On 6 October 1950 Mr. Elterman of Air Force Cambridge Research
Laboratories (on TDY at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico
visited Holloman Air Force Base. He stated that he had replaced Dr.
Mirarchi as Project Scientist. A conference was held with Lt
Colonel Boone, Holloman Air Force Base, Lt. Albert, Holloman Air
Force Base, and Mr. Elterman in which the entire program was
reviewed. Later Lt. Albert and Mr. Elterman visited Mr. Proctor and
Mr. Stege of Land-Air, Inc. for a discussion of contract extension.
Mr. Elterman agreed to gather answers from Air Force Cambridge
Research Laboratories to the following questions:
- Will Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories approve an
extension or existing contract to Land-Air and will this extension
include spectrum grating equipment?
- Inasmuch as the security classification of this project is
different on different documents, will this be cleared up?
Is project Secret or Confidential?
- Does Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories desire that
a copy of Land-Air, Inc., reports be sent directly to them?
- Will Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories initiate
correspondence to see if it is feasible for F-86 aircraft,
paragraph 2q, to shoot at phenomena with live ammunition?
s. On 16 October 1950 a local conference was set up with Lt. Albert,
Mr. Harley of Northrop Aircraft, Inc., and three of his contractor
pilots. Northrop pilots were flying B-45 and QF-80 aircraft a great
deal in this area in conjunction with their own activities. It was,
therefore, agreed that their observations would be of great value.
The pilots were acquainted with this project and its classification
and operating procedures were set up for use if and when they
observed phenomena so that Land-Air OP No. 73, paragraph 1, could
be rapidly put into action. Results with this phase have been
t. On 8 November 1951, Mr. Elterman, Air Force Cambridge Research
Laboratories, telephoned Lt. Albert, Holloman Air Force Base, and
reported that T.D. No. 55 was to be extended for the same price as
the first phase until 31 March 1951, and vigilance could be
transferred from Vaughn, New Mexico, to Holloman Air Force Base
outlying askania stations, P-14 and P-15. He further stated that
the Signal Corps had again been contacted regarding frequency
analysis equipment, paragraph 2b(3), and that there was no chance
of procuring it. Stations P-14 and P-15 were activated on 20
November 1950, based upon verbal instructions.
u. On 23 January 1951, Mr. Elterman, Air Force Cambridge Research
Laboratories, telephoned Lt. Albert, Holloman Air Force Base, and
reported the following:
- Paper work regarding the contract extension which had been
approved should reach Holloman Air Force Base any day.
- Lt. Albert reported negative results at P-14 and P-15,
which caused Mr, Elterman to state that the spectrum grating phase,
paragraph 2d(2), should be shelved until there was further
v. On 31 March 1951, second phase of Technical Directive No. 55
extension expired and Land-Air, Inc., ceased constant vigilance at
P-14 and P-15. Negative results were gathered during this period.
a. Periodically, approximately once per month, there are reports of
individuals seeing strange aerial phenomena. However, most all of
these observations are quite sketchy, not very conclusive and
certainly of no scientific value to this project.
b. Land-Air, Inc., continues to keep OP No. 73, paragraph 2L,
current and is prepared to get scientific data if the phenomena
appear and persist long enough to be photographed.
Although results have been negative, it is believed that the
negative information is of value. This year of constant
surveillance has gone far to relieve excitement and certainly has
tended to relieve the question of the security danger from this
aerial phenomena.
It is recommended that this project be continued on a stand-by
basis with Land-Air, Inc., maintaining OP No. 73. Although this
activity would have no official Air Force status, an officer could
be assigned to collect the incoming reports in the project files
and make periodic review of the files, looking for patterns or
persistent characteristics in the reports. He would also maintain
liaison with the Office of Special Investigation, the Provost
Marshal's Office, Land-Air, Inc., Instrumentation Section of
Operations and Projects, and the various project activities.
Datil, New Mexico, 1930 hours, MST, 24 February 1950
Type Camera: A-5 Cineflex
Focal Length: 3 inches |
Angles Subtended: |
Circular Diameter: 15‘ 18.6" |
Length of Trail: 3° 49' 6" |
Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, 0555-0600 hours, PST
24 March 1951
Type Camera: Leica 3c
Focal Length: 50 mm |
Angles Subtended: |
Major Axis: 8' 18.6" |
Minor Axis: 6' 20.6" |
Letter from Deputy for Operations for Holloman's 6540th
Missile Test Wing to Mrs Helen Barber, editor of the classified
Air Intelligence Digest, supplying a negative of the UFO
image referenced in Holloman Quarterly Report No. EHO-15
Holloman Air Force Base
New Mexico
MTHTD-1 360.2/14 |
23 JUL 1952
Unidentified Flying Object |
TO: |
Director of Intelligence
Headquarters, USAF
Attn: 2 A4 (Mrs. Barber)
Washington 25, D. C. |
1. Inaccordance (sic) with telephone conversation request from Mrs.
Barber on 18 July 1952, inclosed is a confidential negative of an
unidentified flying object taken at 1930 hours 24 Feb 50 from Datil,
New Mexico. A print from this negative was used as inclosure "A" to
Report No. EH0-41 dated 25 July 1951 from HAFB and as an inclosure
to a letter "Summary of Observations of Aerial Phenomena in the New
Mexico Area, December 1948 - May 1950" dated 25 May 1950 from
office of the Inspector General USAF, 17th District Office of
Special Investigations, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico to
Brigadier General Joseph F. Carroll, Director of Special
Investigations, Headquarters, USAF, Washington 25, D. C.
2. It is requested that this negative be returned after being used.
Lt. Colonel, USAF
Deputy for Operations
Sighting No. 175
Photograph of Unknown Aerial Phenomena taken at Datil, New Mexico
by Cpl Lertis E. Stanfield, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico on
24 and 25 Feb 1950. An analysis of the above photograph was made by
Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, Head of the Institute of Meteoritics, University
of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, who reached the following
- The angular diameter of the perfectly round luminous object
Stanfield observed was approximately 1/4 of a degree.
The angular velocity of the object in the sky was greater than
half a degree per minute.
Dr. LaPaz stated that on the basis of the results (a) and (b) above,
the object seen by Stanfield was not the moon (for the angular
diameter is too small), it was not Venus or any other planet (for
the angular diameter was too large), and it was not a bright fixed
star slightly out of focus (for the observed rate of motion is
double that due to the diurnal rotation of the earth).